Hbsag Elisa Test Kit – 96 Test:
An enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for the qualitative
detection of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) in
human serum or plasma.
Materials Provided No. Reagent Component Description
Quantity 96 wells/kit HBsAg Microwell Plate
Microwell plate coated with AntiHBsAg
1 plate (96 wells/plate)
1 HBsAg Conjugate Anti-HbsAg bound to peroxidase;
Preservative: 0.1% ProClin™ 300 1 x 8 mL
2 Concent. Wash Buffer (25x) Tris-HCl buffer containing 0.1%
Tween 20; Preservative: 0.1% ProClin™ 300 1 x 40 mL
3 Substrate A Citrate-phosphate buffer containing
hydrogen peroxide; Preservative: 0.1% ProClin™ 300 1 x 8 mL
4 Substrate B Buffer containing tetramethylbenzidine (TMB);
Preservative: 0.1% ProClin™ 300 1 x 8 mL
5 Stop Solution 2M Sulfuric acid 1 x 8 mL
6 HBsAg Negative Control Normal serum non-reactive for
HbsAg, HCV, HIV-1, HIV-2; Preservative: 0.1% ProClin™ 300 1 x 1 mL
7 HBsAg Positive Control Inactivated serum containing HBsAg
and negative for HCV, HIV-1 and HIV-2; Preservative: 0.1% ProClin™ 300
1 x 1 mL
Plate Sealers 2
Package Insert 1
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