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Biolade Febrile Antigen OXK, OX2, OX19

Original price was: 3,500.00৳ .Current price is: 3,000.00৳ .

Product Specification

Packaging Size (3 x 5) ml
Brand Biolade
Packaging Type Bottle
Test/Pack 100 Test


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Biolade Febrile Antigen OXK, OX2, OX19:

Plasmatec Stained bacterial antigen suspensions square measure standardized, swish suspensions of killed microorganism wont to determine and quantitate antibodies in human sera following infection with boundSalmonellae, Rickettsiae, and coccobacillus pathogens.

A serological check has supported the principle that antibodies in serum, made in response to exposure by bacteria antigens, can agglutinate bacterial suspensions that carry homologous antigens. The speedy slide check is suggested as a screening procedure to ascertain the presence or absence of the homologous protein within the patient’s body fluid, while the tube check establishes protein concentration and verifies positive results found exploitation the slide methodology.

The salmonella antigens square measure stained to allow clear readability while not touching sensitivity or antigenicity, the O (somatic) antigens square measure stained blue while the H (flagellar) antigens square measures aimed red. The enterobacteria suspensions, wont to investigate enteric infections and feverishness, square measure appropriate for speedy slide and customary Widal tests.

Proteus, OX2, OX19, and OXK stained suspensions square measure employed in the detection of bacterial antibodies as these species seem to share a saccharide with bound Rickettsia species and so turn out agglutinins a twin of them.

Biolade Febrile Antigen OXK, OX2, OX19


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