Biolade RF Latex Kit:
The RF latex check kit ( serology kit) is intensed for the qualitative and semi-quantitative measuring of RF in human serum.
Rheumatoid factors (RF) are antibodies directed against substance sites within the Fc fragment of the human and animal egg. Their frequent prevalence in rheumatoid arthritis|autoimmune disorder} makes them helpful for diagnosing and observation of the disease. 1,2
One technique used for rheumatoid factor detection is based on the power of rheumatoid arthritis sera to agglutinate allergic sheep red cells, as observed by Waaler3 and Rose. four A additional sensitive reagent consisting of biologically inert latex beads coated with human gamma globulin was later delineated by Singer and Plotz. five The RF kit relies on the principle of latex agglutination assay by Singer and Plotz. five the most important advantage of this technique is speedy performance (3 minute reaction time) and lack of heterophile antibody interference.
The RF reagent may be a suspension of vinylbenzene latex particles allergic with especially ready human igg. The reagent relies on associate medical specialty reaction between human immune gamma globulin guaranteed to biologically inert latex particles and rheumatic factors within the check specimen. once body fluid containing rheumatic factors is mixed with the latex chemical agent, visible agglutination happens. The RF latex chemical agent sensitivity has been adjusted to find a minimum of eight IU/mL of rheumatic factors according to with the whoInternational customary while not previous sample dilution.
Biolade RF Latex Kit
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