B-HCG Reagent – Jaj International
HCG is a dimeric glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 37,000 Dalton consisting of an α and a β -subunit. The α–subunit of HCG is nearly identical with the analogous subunit of the pituitary hormones LH, FSH, and TSH. HCG is produced by the syncytiotrophoblast of the placenta and can be detected in maternal serum immediately upon nidation. HCG is responsible for maintaining the function of the ovarian corpus luteum.
In normal pregnancy, HCG concentrations rapidly increase with a doubling rate of approximately two days. Pathologically decreased values indicate abnormal pregnancy (e.g. ectopic pregnancy). A sudden fall of HCG levels before the 8th -10th week of gestation should be considered as a serious
indicator of imminent abortion.
If pregnancy can be excluded, HCG levels above normal are highly likely to indicate the presence of malignant neoplasms, particularly germ-cell tumors(e.g. testicular tumors, chorionic or ovarian carcinoma. For use as a tumor marker, the test system has to recognize both HCG and β-HCG, since testicular and chorionic carcinomas mainly secrete the free β-chains rather than the intact HCG molecule.
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