RMS HFX 3.5P Portable X-ray
Mobile High Frequency X-ray with color TFT display
- Compact, lightweight design for easy to move
- Digital control panel with soft touch keyboard
- Ergonomically design for safety and comfort
Product Feature
- HFX 3.5P mobile X-ray is based on high frequency and high voltage X-ray generator, which ensure superior image quality, with low skin dose to protect the patient effectively.
- High-performance with efficient dosage, results in HF X-ray generator use the frequency-inverter-recfier technology, to produce near constant potenal • Reduced dose to paent and technician with unwanted radiaon
- Low power consumpon
- Uniform and low scaer radiaon Output Voltage Useful Output o Time Skin doses X-ray not useful Image transfer to workstaon through WiFi and cable
- Faster image display with high speed operaon
- Portable digital flat panel detector with acve area of 14″ x 17″
- Add on reduced paent dosage for paent and clinician
- Reliable high-performance imaging
- Various applicaons such as general radiography, orthopaedic, veterinary
High-performance with efficient dosage, results in
- Reduced dose to patient and technician with unwanted radiation
- Low power consumption
- Uniform and low scatter radiation
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